Why do we complete risk assessments

For many small businesses the management of health and safety issues and keeping up with the multitude of regulations can seem like a daunting task.

For some, the answer is to ignore it and convince themselves that it does not apply to their business.

For Clean 143 it is simple.

We just have a cost effect way to manage it.

We have designed a set of Generic Risk Assessments and Method Statements, which we call GRAMS, our GRAMS cover over 95% of our work type environments. We then apply a set of controls for each type of hazard. This allows us to reduce the risk.  We then simply and strictly work to these safe-working controls.

For the other 5% we add site-specific additional hazard and risk assessment and apply any additional controls required.

Our commercial customers receive a set of GRAMS and then any additional site – specific assessment is applied prior to cleaning. We also complete a tick box style hazard and risk assessments on all residential properties.

Clean 143 risk assessment template example  ©

Residential risk assessment template  ©

Why do we complete risk assessments  


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